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Career Coach: New LinkedIn Features

CHICAGO (CBS)-- Through this job crisis CBS 2 is Working For Chicago by working with a career coach every week to bring you advice about looking for and landing a job.

This week, Lynee Alves, president of Interview Like An Expert, is helping us navigate the newest features on LinkedIn.

"The hashtag #opentowork photo frame is for individuals who are actively looking for work and want to make it known to the entire LinkedIn community," She said. "People with the photo frame are seeing 40% more in-mails from recruiters and 20% more messages from other LinkedIn members."

To add the photo frame, go to your profile page in your "Intro" section at the top of your profile. Click the box that says "Show recruiters you're Open To Work". Then you'll be given the option to share that you're open to work with just recruiters or all LinkedIn members.

"The other really important feature on LinkedIn is the featured section. This is some really valuable real estate on your profile page," Alves said. "You can highlight posts you've made on LinkedIn. You can highlight a website or a presentation. Anything you feel is compelling content that would elevate your professional brand."

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