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Cancer Conference Focuses On Patients' Emotional Needs

CHICAGO (CBS) -- A national cancer conference is underway in Chicago, focusing, not on medical issues, but on patients' emotional and support needs.

The Annual Chicago Supportive Oncology conference deals with the support services most important to cancer patients and their families.

Researcher Dr. Nick Delillo says the greatest challenge facing patients undergoing cancer treatment is sheer fatigue.

LISTEN: WBBM Newsradio's Regine Schlesinger Reports


"Not just your average, 'I had a bad night's sleep,' " said Delillo. "This is bone-tired, 'I can't get out of bed, walk down stairs'."

That's where Nedage DesRavines comes in. She lost both her grandmothers to cancer. "I watched what they were going through and cleaning was one thing they couldn't do."

So she founded the organization, Cleaning for Cancer which partners with cleaning companies to provide free house-cleaning services for patients.

Dr. DeLillo says the importance of such charities can't be overestimated. "The number one activity that patients consistently demand is help with cleaning the house and daily chores."

The conference runs through this weekend at the Hotel InterContinental on Michigan Avenue

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