Byrd-Bennett: No Budget Cuts At Schools That Missed Enrollment Projections
CHICAGO (CBS) -- The Chicago School system suggests that's it for right now, as far as further teacher layoffs are concerned.
Byrd-Bennett: No Budget Cuts At Schools That Missed Enrollment Projections
The CPS chief said schools that meet their enrollment projection will get additional dollars for each student, which they did last year, but Barbara Byrd-Bennett said schools will not lose money this year if enrollment is less than expected.
This temporarily alleviates concern by principals and parents worried more teacher cuts were coming.
Byrd-Bennett says the system will coach principals how to meet enrollment projections for next year.
"It's about calling people ahead of time. It is about ensuring they have the kind of quality programs that parents want to send their children to," said Byrd-Bennett.
Byrd-Bennett added funding would be cut next year for schools that don't meet enrollment projections.
The Teachers Union says 2,100 members were laid off this summer and says the system's announcement amounts to a small lull in an attack on CTU membership.