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Bulls Insider: Money Not Causing Noah's Struggles

(WSCR) Earlier in the week, Bulls center Joakim Noah said his new $60-million contract has negatively affected his play this season.

It's no secret Noah is struggling, but one Bulls expert doesn't think it's the money that's causing him to faulter.

"I'm not buying the fact that the actual contract, the money did that," Aggrey Sam of Comcast Sportsnet told The McNeil and Spiegel Show. "I don't think the money got to him. I think the expectation, some of the pressures, knowing that, 'Hey, I've got to be consistent. It's no longer just cute for me to grab double-digit rebounds and yell.' He knows he has to get better."

LISTEN: Aggrey Sam on The McNeil and Spiegel Show


For the rest of this interview and other 670 The Score interviews click here.

Sam also said the Bulls are working to maintain the high expectations set for them at the beginning of this season -- something they've never really had to deal with before.

"Last year, it was a thing were the Bulls didn't get enough credit until the end, but this year, they came in with all the expectations," Sam said. "They're the hunted instead of being the hunter. I think that's an adjustment for them to make. Thibs is a guy that tries to keep them thinking with that underdog mentality. Derrick is another guy that really embraces that. At the same time, you won 62 games last year, the No. 1 seed when nobody expected it. You know you're good."

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