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Buehrle: A.J. More Likely To Return Than Konerko

While Mark Buehrle talked to reporters about his second Gold Glove award, it didn't take long for the conversation to turn to the future of two teammates, A.J. Pierzynski and Paul Konerko, who are now free agents.

"I've texted some of the guys here and there, nothing pretty much about baseball. My feeling, is that A.J has a better chance of coming back than Konerko," Buehrle said.

LISTEN: Mark Buehrle talks about A.J. and Konerko's chances of returning.


Pierzynski and Konerko have not only become fan favorites, but they've also been important parts of the success of the White Sox.

"I'd love to have both of them back. They're a core group of this team. They were for the past five years for A.J. and 10 plus years for Konerko, so I'd love to have them back."

LISTEN: Mark Buehrle talk about the idea of A.J. and Konerko leaving the White Sox.


However, listening to Buehrle, it appears as if Konerko won't be back with the team next year.

"It's going to be really weird," Buehrle said of the potential Konerko departure. "He's been the captain and face of this organization for longer than I have been. So for him not to be in a White Sox uniform next year...will be really weird."

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