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Beckham Didn't See This Coming

At the end of last season, many thought that Paul Konerko had played his last game in a Chicago White Sox uniform. Among these people was Konerko's teammate, Gordon Beckham.

"[At the end of last season] I kind of thought that this could be the end," Beckham said on the Danny Mac Show. "And being new to Chicago I still kind of realize the importance of Paul and what he's done, also A.J. [Pierzynski] and what he's done."

LISTEN: Gordon Beckham On The Danny Mac Show


Pierzynski, just like Konerko, was thought to be destined for another city. So to have Konerko and Pierzynski back and the new addition of Adam Dunn, the off-season quickly took a 180 degree turn.

"To have [Konerko and Pierzynski] back, I really didn't see that coming. It's a blast having both back. I mean they kind of both brought me into the league."

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