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Batavia Woman Travels To Plains, Ga. To Pay Tribute To Cancer Stricken Former President

(CBS) -- Elizabeth Carlson says in a matter of 24 hours, she and a friend flew to Atlanta, drove to Plains, slept in their car and witnessed something she calls surreal and inspiring.

"It was something I've always wanted to do but when I heard he was battling cancer, I just decided to do it."


Carlson says she's always admired Jimmy Carter and felt the need to see him in person.

"I just have always thought Jimmy Carter was always a wonderful man, in terms of his diplomacy internationally, making peace and being the founder of Habitat for Humanity. He's just a gentle, good, good man and I just thought, what an opportunity to be able to see a president and hear a president speak in such an intimate setting."

Carlson says when they arrived outside Maranatha Baptist Church in Plains Saturday night, there were already several cars ahead of them.

"We made the decision to spend the night there to make sure we were among the few allowed to sit in the church to hear and see Jimmy Carter speak the next morning. We received a number when we arrived," said Carlson.

Jimmy Carter
This was Carter's second Sunday School class since announcing he's battling brain cancer.(Credit: Elizabeth Carlson.)

Carter spoke at 10 a.m. for 45 minutes, then returned at 11 a.m. to take pictures.

"There's a precise plan in place so the Carter's time is utilized appropriately. We're not allowed to touch him, or hug him because no one wants to get him sick."

Carter talked about forgiveness in his lesson. Carlson calls the experience surreal, inspiring and uplifting.

"You're typically not that close to anyone who's had such authority and world power. That's highly unusual. I was overwhelmed emotionally. When he walked in, you just felt this sense of peace and a sense of great admiration and honor to just be part of his normal weekly routine," she said. "You were hanging on every word that he had to say because of what he's done in the history of his 90 years."

Jimmy Carter
Carlson says when they arrived outside Maranatha Baptist Church in Plains Saturday night, there were already several cars ahead of them. (Credit: Elizabeth Carlson.)

This was Carter's second Sunday School class since announcing he's battling brain cancer. His first post cancer lesson drew nearly 1,000 people to a church built for only a few hundred so the opportunity is on a first come-first served basis.

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