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Application For Strip Club In Crestwood Withdrawn

(CBS) -- Strong opposition appears to have torpedoed plans for a strip club in southwest suburban Crestwood, reports WBBM's John Waelti.

The application to build the strip club in Crestwood had caused what Village Trustee John Toscas called a groundswell of opposition. He says he couldn't find one resident or business owner in favor of the club.


"At least from all of them that I talked to, and I have talked to hundreds of people, that this will lead to increase in crime, both in drugs and prostitution etc.," Toscas said. "It may be unfounded but the reality is that is the kind of reputation that strip clubs have."

Toscas says while a lack of parking was one reason for the application being withdrawn, another decision to deny the club a liquor license may have actually been the deciding factor.

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