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Anjanette Young Ordinance calls for stricter search warrant rules, aims to prevent wrong raids

Anjanette Young Ordinance calls for stricter search warrant rules, aims to prevent wrong raids 02:41

CHICAGO (CBS) -- Chicago aldermen are pushing for a new ordinance named after social worker Anjanette Young. She is the innocent woman caught up in a wrong raid on her home by Chicago Police back in 2019. 

The CBS 2 Investigators first exposed the case and the body camera video of the raid. 

The new law calls for stricter rules when it comes to search warrants. 

A rally was held Saturday in the blustering winds in Daley Plaza, where sponsors of the Anjanette Young Ordinance called on other city council members to step forward and support it. 

"It's still hard to comprehend the indignity Miss Young was subject to, but we need to do something about it, and as city council members we can," said Ald. Sophia King (4th). 

Body camera video from February 2019 shows Young standing handcuffed and naked, surrounded by a team of Chicago police officers standing in her living room where she was wrongly raided. 

"Who was protecting her rights? Who was preserving her dignity as a person, a social worker who went to work that day to serve others who are in need," said Latesha Newson, who is a licensed clinical social worker. 

Young, a social worker, said she chose to hold Saturday's rally in March because it's Social Work Month.

 "The time is right right now and there cannot be a better theme for all of us to use our voices to speak truth to power against all systemic issues, including the one that we're here for today -- the Anjanette Young Ordinance," she said. 

If it passes, the ordinance would permanently change how officers execute search warrants and force the Chicago Police Department to add reforms and accountability measures. 

Among other things, the ordinance calls for a knock, an announcement and at least a 30-second wait before entering a home. 

"That car says protect and serve. They are picking and choosing who to protect and serve, and it definitely wasn't Miss Young," said Ald. Jeanette Taylor (20th). 

Young's attorney said she deserves the $2.9 million settlement , but she wants to see reform and change. 

City council members are expected to vote on the ordinance Wednesday. If it passes, it would prevent wrong raids in the future. 

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