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Alderman, NRA Activist Spar Over Measure To Ban Assault Weapons

CHICAGO (CBS) -- Chicago Aldermen have given preliminary approval to proposals for a City assault weapons ban and other measures expected to win approval at tomorrow's special City Council meetings, reports WBBM Political Editor Craig Dellimore.

Alderman, NRA Activist Spar Over Gun Ban

Mayor Emanuel's efforts to tighten City gun laws ahead of a court deadline won easy approval, but there were some testy moments. National Rifle Association lobbyist Todd Vandermyde tangled with Police and Fire Committee Chairman Jim Balcer (11th) over who knows what about assault weapons.

"I've got more time with a fully automatic weapon in my hands than the majority of your police officers ever will have. I could probably out-shoot most of your cops," said Vandermyde.

In response, Balcer said, "I was in the military. I know all about automatic weapons. I know all AK-47s and the damage that they do, and SKSs and all these other weapons. I know exactly what they do. I served in Vietnam, I don't need to be lectured on that one."

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