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A Technology Degree Can Help Chicagoans Advance Their Career

Maksim Pecherskiy has a BS in Information Systems and a second BS in International Business Administration. He is currently working as a solutions architect for Promet Source and offers some great advice for others looking to further their education in the field of technology in order to succeed in their career.

How would you define your role as a solutions architect?
"I am the lead developer and architect on large projects. In the beginning of projects, I design how the system will operate, what technologies will be used and how the communications will be handled. I also start off the project and decide how the technical aspects of the development process will work. I work with the project manager to set reasonable milestones and deadlines and am often on client calls as the technical resource. As the project progresses, I coordinate my team and balance the development speed to technical debt."

What are some of the most influential experiences from receiving your education?
"Probably the biggest aspect of my education that has contributed to my career was studying abroad. It gave me a different perspective on life and is what initially got me interested in working in development. It gave me a chance to live and work on projects with people who had completely different viewpoints. Change Management was a course I took in the technology field that helped me to adjust and improve the development process. I find myself recalling a lot of things from that course."

How has your education helped with the different changes you've seen in the technology field?
"In my specific field, I have noticed a fast rise of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and that has brought about more needs for integration work between multiple systems. In addition, I see a lot more tools coming out for developers to use. Hosting companies are becoming more advanced and API driven as well. I think this is really exciting because you no longer have to work for a huge company to be able to have a great development workflow. It decreases the barrier to entry into development."

Sara Lugardo is a professional writer out of Chicago, Illinois. She has a Bachelor's in Communication and is currently working on her Master's. Her work can be found on

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