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Families Make Their Perfect Pet Match

CHICAGO (WBBM NEWSRADIO) -- It's speed dating for dogs and it's happening at Chicago Animal Care and Control this weekend before Valentine's Day.

WBBM's Bob Roberts checked it out and is here to explain.

This was a first time event at Chicago Animal Care that matched families eager to adopt dogs with dogs eager to find forever homes.

The difference: the atmosphere.

Shelter Assistant Director Jenny Schlueter says it was far more relaxed than the average visit.

"They walk down the rows and they see the dogs barking and jumping and wanting to get out of their cage," says Schlueter. "It's not always the most pleasant experience and quite frankly a lot of people turn around and say 'I'm too overwhelmed. I can't do this.'"

Instead they were on leashes.

There was a chance to give the dogs treats and there was a chance for adopting families to make first, second and third choices.





Animal Care has more special events coming up.

One for St. Patrick's Day and a free adoption day May 5.

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