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7 Photos That Remind Us Why We Missed The NFL

When the summer is coming to an end there really is only one thing that gets sports fans fired up for September – the start of the NFL season. Fans across the nation gear up for Sundays, thinking this could be their year.  With the season finally under way- we take a look at some of our favorite photos that remind us how much we missed the game…

Here are seven photos that remind us why we missed the NFL:


 We Missed The Great Nicknames: Calvin "Megatron" Johnson starts the season with a vengeance scoring two TD's in Week 1.

We Missed The Passion: Terrell Suggs gets the crowd fired up before he is introduced for the Ravens/Steelers matchup.

We Missed The Legends: Omaha! It's always great to see Peyton Manning running the offense for another year.

 We Missed The Up and Comers: Will this be the season Andrew Luck becomes one of the elite Qb's in the game?

 We Missed The Surprises:  The Buffalo Bills shocked the Chicago Bears in Week 1. Will this game define each team's season?

 We Missed The Cheerleaders:  Yes, we missed them as well.

 We Missed The Fans:  Most importantly- we missed the incredible fans who don't mind painting their skin blue and screaming at the top of their lungs. Welcome back football – we missed you.

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