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3rd Grader With Leukemia Keeps Up Using Skype, YouTube

MUNDELEIN, Ill. (CBS) -- A sick little boy from Mundelein is keeping up with his school work thanks to an innovative teacher and technology.

As WBBM Newsradio's Mike Krauser reports, teacher Chris Bratta's third- and fourth-graders at Fremont Intermediate School – 26 of them – gathered to tell us about 8-year-old Eric.

LISTEN: WBBM Newsradio's Mike Krauser reports


"Eric is not in the classroom all the time because of his leukemia," Bratta said.

He is out of class 10 days a month for his chemotherapy treatment, his mother says.

"And I thought it would be great for Eric to be able to miss the least amount of class possible," Bratta said.

So as a solution, Bratta is using Skype and YouTube to allow Eric to participate in class.

"I think it's great for Eric and his family, and I think it's great for the other kids in the classroom," she said.

The students seem to agree.
"We get to read to him over Skype, or sometimes we do mini-lessons that we record and put it on YouTube," one student said.

"And sometimes, Eric reads to us," another student added.

Eric's mom calls him "a really great, brave boy to try to fight this disease."

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