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Joe Joyce


Tracking Waves On A Stalled Front...50/50 Weekend

Morning showers are shifting to the coast this morning. Showers are extending from the North Shore into CT along a stalling front which has pushed just south of Boston and will become hung up across SE MA during the afternoon. Severe weather is not likely in this unseasonably cool airmass, with cloudy damp conditions & light variable winds. Morning showers will begin to wind down during the late morning into the midday with still plenty of cloud through the lunch hour.


Breaking Down The Humidity With Storms & Downpours

SW winds continue to pump oppressive humidity into New England with dewpoints again ranging from 70-76 degrees. Hazy sun and clouds are warming temps up again into the 80's, with the potential for a few Lwr 90's this afternoon. I do not expect the kind of heat we had yesterday due to a few more clouds. Plus a welcome breeze today will pick up this afternoon with gusts over 20 mph to help to stir the stagnant air and make the day more tolerable.


Action at the Coast Tonight, Action in the West Wednesday...Then Summer Returns!

Clouds will be breaking with some partial sun developing Wednesday with SW wind. High will climb to near 80-85. A muggy feel with dewpoints in the 60's. An approaching cold front will push in during the afternoon. There will be enough instability that building cumulus may be able pop a few scattered showers and thunderstorms along this front in the afternoon, primarily in northern and western New england during the later part of the day.


Scattered PM Storms Bring In A Midweek Beauty...But Will It Last?

Hazy sunshine is emerging behind this warm front with warming westerly winds. Highs will quickly be climbing into the upper 80's and Lwr 90's this afternoon. Dewpoints will be very humid in the upper 60's and Lwr 70's. With an approaching cold front this afternoon, there will be enough moisture, lift and instability to trigger scattered afternoon thunderstorms. The area which we have been outlining for the best chance of stronger storms forming or maybe even severe weather is across Eastern MA and RI during the hours of 2-6 PM


Heat & Humidity Remain for Now...But Signs of Change

We are quickly warming this morning from the 70's into the 80's. Buy midday, some areas will be approaching 90. Sunshine in place this morning will fade this afternoon under thickening clouds in advance of a prefrontal trough which is triggering a few scattered showers/storms in western/central NY. The increasing clouds will help to slow the warming. Hazy sunshine should last at our eastern facing beaches into the early afternoon before turning mostly cloudy. Dewpoints have been rising into the mid 60's and will likely climb to near 70 before the day is through so a typical muggy summer day in July with highs in the upper 80's and lwr 90's.

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