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Gulf of Mexico


Brief Cool Down Before Milder Times

Behind the departing low, some early sunshine this morning, but as the ground warms clouds and the wave passes through expect more clouds to rotate through, as well as the slight risk for a few passing light showers or sprinkles. Behind the short wave, skies should be breaking this afternoon for some increasing sunshine with a breezy west wind. Highs will be in the 40's in the clouds, Lwr 50's in the sunshine towards the coastal plain. Most of the sun today will be found in the south...yet most should be clearing as we head towards evening.


Another Headlining Winter Storm For The Nation

A mix of sun and clouds will fade to increasing clouds as the disturbance moves through. Upper level winds are helping to shear this apart with snow weakening over PA and NY. This disturbance will try to provide a little light snow shower activity and flurries south of the Pike for the mid-late afternoon into the early evening. Not expecting much more than a coating to 1" in places especially in CT, RI and Southeast MA...if at all as most of the snow will fall apart and stay away.


The Arctic Strikes Back!

A cold front is pushing through New England tonight. An upper level short wave is providing enough instability and lift that showers are developing along this boundary. On the cooler side of the front, light snow has developed in Pittsfield, Springfield, Orange, Hartford, Windsor Locks, and Gardner. Worcester will be changing over to snow this evening as well. In fact this upper level disturbance has the potential to provide scattered rain/snow showers across much of the region as the front approaches the coast. As temperatures fall behind the front, there is the potential for black ice to develop after midnight

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