Belmont kids held a sign supporting their hometown candidate. (Photo courtesy: WBZ NewsRadio's Carl Stevens)
A Belmont student with a Mitt Romney cutout Tuesday morning. (Photo courtesy: WBZ NewsRadio's Mitt Romney)
Election 2012
MItt Romney cast his vote at this Belmont polling location Tuesday morning. (Photo courtesy: WBZ NewsRadio's Carl Stevens)
Election 2012
Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren voted with her husband and grand-daughter Tuesday morning. (Photo courtesy: WBZ NewsRadio's Karen Twomey)
Election 2012
A long line to vote in Brookline Tuesday morning. (Photo courtesy: WBZ-TV's Bob Dumas)
Election 2012
Joe Kennedy III at a Brookline polling location. (Photo courtesy: WBZ-TV's Bob Dumas)
Election 2012
The crowd outside Romney's polling location in Belmont. (Photo courtesy: WBZ-TV's Karen Anderson)
Election 2012
Senate candidate Scott Brown and his wife outside a West Roxbury polling location. (Photo courtesy: WBZ-TV's Beth Germano)
Election 2012
A line to vote in Boston. (Photo courtesy: Boston Police Department/Twitter)
Election 2012
The Imperial Ballroom, Park Plaza, Boston. This is where the Scott Brown camp will be on election night. (Photo courtesy: WBZ NewsRadio's Bernice Corpuz)
Election 2012
Big Bird urges people to support PBS at a polling station in Burlington. (Photo courtesy Christina Hager)
Election 2012
Mitt Romney and his wife Ann cast their votes in Belmont, November 6, 2012. (Photo courtesy: EMMANUEL DUNAND/AFP/Getty Images)
Election 2012
Mitt Romney and his wife Ann arrive to cast their votes in Belmont, November 6, 2012. (Photo courtesy: EMMANUEL DUNAND/AFP/Getty Images)
Election 2012
Mitt Romney and his wife Ann talk after filling out their ballots at Beech Street Center on November 6, 2012 in Belmont. (Photo courtesy Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
Election 2012
Joe Kennedy III with his father and step-mother at the polls in Attleboro
Election 2012
The scene at the convention center. (Photo courtesy: WBZ-TV's Karen Anderson)
Election 2012
The stage was set for Scott Brown Tuesday afternoon. (Photo courtesy: WBZ-TV's Beth Germano)
Election 2012
Press pass at Elizabeth Warren election night headquarters. (Photo courtesy: WBZ-TV's Kate Merrill)