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WZLX Collects Care Packs For Troops Overseas

WEYMOUTH (CBS) - Plenty of Americans want to do something to support our troops but don't necessarily know how to get involved.

On Friday, Veterans Day, our sister radio station, 100.7 WZLX, helped people reach out to our servicemen and women overseas.

Morning show hosts Karlson and McKenzie teamed up with a group called Care Packs.

Volunteers collect items like toiletries, energy bars and DVDs to send to our troops.

In every care package, they include a hand written letter from a local child expressing how much they appreciate the sacrifices our troops are making for us.

Friday morning at the Weymouth Elks Club, dozens of those packages were loaded on trucks to be shipped off to Iraq and Afghanistan.

WBZ-TV's David Robichaud reports

"It says that people think about you and they care. There's nothing more for a soldier or combat personnel that can compare to that," said Roger Miller, a Vietnam veteran.

If you'd like to get involved and donate items to our military, you can go to the website,

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