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Mom Of Worcester's First Baby In 2020 Has A History Of Holiday Births

WORCESTER (CBS) - Meet Aaron Jared Jimenez, not only a New Year's baby but a new decade baby. Aaron was born at 11 minutes after midnight at UMass Memorial Medical Center in Worcester.

Read More: First Boston Baby Of 2020 Born At Midnight At Brigham and Women's Hospital

And as we found out, his mother is a holiday mom, twice.

"I was like, oh my God, to be the first baby of the year and to be a new baby," said Jessica Heredia, holding her hours-old baby Aaron.

Aaron Jared Jimenez, Worcester's first baby in 2020. (WBZ-TV)

"I was surprised because I have an appointment tomorrow at 7 o'clock to have an induction of my labor," Jessica explained. But Aaron had a different idea. "I was in the supermarket just preparing for December 31st. I was walking and the contractions start, and I was just like, 'It's supposed to be on the second.'"

Jessica got to UMass Memorial in Worcester at about 4 o'clock. Eight hours later, Aaron became the first baby born in 2020 in Worcester, and the first of the new decade, a rare distinction.

"I think he will be happy about that," Jessica said.

She's no stranger to holiday births. Her other son, Argenis, was due on Christmas day of 2015, but he came early -- on Thanksgiving.

Aaron's mom, Jessica Heredia, has a history of holiday births. (WBZ-TV)

"A holiday mom," said Jessica. And as this holiday mom is taking care of her New Year's baby, she's filled with hopes and dreams. "I hope that he will be a good man. A professional one, in the right way. With God."

Jessica's older son has the flu, so he's staying away from Aaron for the time being. Her husband is taking care of him today.

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