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Worcester Cleans Up From Snowstorm, Water Main Break

WORCESTER (CBS) - No school in the Worcester area meant kids were outside perfecting their snowball technique. "And then you throw it at your sister," yelled 9-year-old Phoebe Forgues, in the midst of a snowball fight.

"It's not cold out. It's just snowing," said high school student Kendril Flanders.

For others, it wasn't all fun. Cars slipped around on Worcester's notorious hills. Some drivers had to back down, rather than tackle the impossible climb. "The hills are slippery," said plow driver Mike Algieri. "Once you plow it, it compacts and gets slippery."

The freeze, snow, thaw cycle has taken a toll on roads. Some worked hard shoveling, only to find a sheet of ice under the snow they cleared away. "I slipped a little. I was thinking I might be better off to leave the snow on it," said Pat Pulsifer.

On Tacoma Street, an underground water main burst, causing the road to buckle up.

Officials warned as night falls, the snow that melted in the afternoon, would freeze on roads, affecting the evening and morning commutes.

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