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Bike Stolen From PMC Rider Who Was Injured In Hit & Run

BOSTON (CBS) – A Brighton woman training for the Pan Mass Challenge in honor of a friend lost to cancer has suffered two big setbacks. First, she was hit by a car and on Wednesday night, someone stole her new bike. But she's more determined than ever.

It started in April as Callan Bignoli was riding her bike on Comm Ave heading to Brighton. "I had stopped at the intersection, was waiting to turn at the red light. Next thing I knew I was in the emergency room," she says.

Callan had been hit by a car. "I broke my elbow, I broke my arm, had a concussion," she says. That sidelined her for weeks. She couldn't train for the Pan Mass Challenge, a charity bike ride to raise money to fight cancer.

About a month ago she spent hundreds of dollars on a new bike. She thought she was set, until last night when she locked her bike to a rack just a block away from where she was hit by the car. "I came to get my bike, found the lock was cut in two pieces, my helmet was still attached to it, but my bike was gone," she says. "Honestly, I was like, come on!" she says.

But then, Callan thought about Marijean Levering, her college theatre director who died of cancer, and knew she couldn't quit. "I know I'm going to do it. I really want to honor the legacy of Marijean Levering. She pretty much taught me everything about getting things done, being graceful and respectful to people when you're trying to manage work and projects," Callan says.

Marijean is why Callan is riding in the PMC, to fight back against cancer. "It takes away these bright, beautiful, eccentric, perfect jewels of people from us, all the time, every single day, and Marijean was one of those for me and I would do anything for you," Callan says.

Callan plans to buy another bike. Her hope is simple. That people see her story and support the Pan Mass Challenge.

To support Callan's PMC ride CLICK HERE.

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