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Winter's 'Last Hurrah'

Winter is going to go out 'like a lamb'. Besides a couple of chances of rain, this week will be fairly uneventful.

Today will bring sunshine for all!  Highs will range from the lower 40s along the coast to the upper 40s for Metrowest.  Winds will shift to the southeast this afternoon.

A 500H cut-off low will slowly makes it mark on New England starting tomorrow.  Clouds will thicken tonight. The onset of precipitation Wednesday morning has the potential of starting as a wintry mix before becoming all rain.  Rainfall amounts appear to be ~.25"-.50" with isolated spots receiving .75".  

St. Patrick's Day:  'Luck o' the Irish'!  Sunny with highs in the middle 50s!

Friday will be flirting with 60F before a cold front sweeps cooler, more seasonable air into our region for the weekend.

*REMINDER:  Astronomically, Spring arrives this Sunday at 7:21pm!!!

Melissa :)

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