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Winchester Neighbors Demand Action After Dog Kills Puppy

WINCHESTER (CBS) – A Winchester family is demanding action after an unleashed Bullmastiff killed their four-month old Cockapoo puppy while they were walking on the street.

The owner of the Bullmastiff has yet to turn the dog over to town officials and neighbors are worried it could attack again.

Dafna Leonard describes the moment her puppy Chase was killed on Sunday. "The dog lunged at him and grabbed him with his jaws and wrestled him to the ground," Leonard says. "From there it was horrible, he slammed him on the ground, multiple times and shook him and was biting him."

Dafna's husband, Brian Leonard, took a picture of the attacking dog on Monday, a day after Chase was killed. The dog was unleashed.

"It was our dog, I'm shaken up, I was so sad to lose him," Brian Leonard said. "But the first thing that came to my mind was what if it was one of my girls."

The house where the dog lives is owned by Robert Duzan. WBZ could not get onto the property on Tuesday because of all of the junk and phone calls were fruitless.

Other neighbors say there are also two Rottweilers in the house. Two years ago, one of the Rottweilers cornered Katrin Winterer.

"It stood there menacing and started to circle me in the street," Winterer said.

Then a few days later, Winterer's partner was walking their dog by Duzan's home and the Rottweiler attacked.

"I tried to pick up my dog," John Grausam said. "But he got him by the left thigh."

The town of Winchester has been involved with Robert Duzan extensively. The Board of Health has tried to get him to clean up his property and on Tuesday the Animal Control officer tried to gain access to his house was not able to.


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