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Wilmington First Responders Worried About Train That Blocks Busy Intersection

WILMINGTON (CBS) - Town officials in Wilmington are concerned MBTA commuter trains are preventing first responders traveling on Route 62 to answer calls in the northern section of the community.

Town Manager Jeffrey Hull said the issue goes back years, but it's now reaching a breaking point.

"We're just frustrated that it for whatever reason, it cannot be addressed or has not been addressed on a permanent basis," said Hull.

He explained sometimes the train pulls up to the platform and leaves several cars still in the middle of Route 62.

The artery is the primary route for fire and EMTs getting to North Wilmington.

"If you have a public safety emergency a minute and a half means a lot to people on the other end," said Wilmington Police Chief Michael Begonis.

Passenger Steve Doucett witnessed first responders being blocked on Monday.

"After I sat down a police car, an ambulance and a fire truck approached and were waiting to get by. They had to wait for the passengers to finish boarding before they could proceed," said Doucett.

Wednesday, the police chief met with Keolis and the MBTA to survey the North Wilmington Station to look for solutions to the issue.

"I think at the end of the day we're going to come up with a resolution that'll work for everybody," said Chief Begonis.

MBTA Chief Railroad Officer Ryan Coholan said Wednesday they've mapped out some short term fixes and will be looking at longer term capital projects.

"Today we brought the right people into the room to really work towards the goal. Anyone with train movement is familiar with this particular issue and we're going forward to prevent it," said Coholan.

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