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VIDEO: Flock Of Turkeys Block Ambulance In Dorchester

BOSTON (CBS) -- The wild turkeys in Boston don't take orders from anyone - even emergency vehicles.

Twitter user Ron Germán shared a video Monday morning of a flock of turkeys refusing to move for an ambulance and its flashing lights along a snow-covered Dorchester street.

"Someone needs to do something about controlling the turkey population in this neighborhood," he wrote. "They are officially outta control!"

Wild turkeys have been making a big comeback in Massachusetts. According to MassWildlife, turkeys disappeared from the state in the 1850s due to hunting and habitat loss.

But in the 1970s, biologists trapped 37 turkeys in New York and released them in the Berkshires. Now the population is estimated to be between 30,000 and 35,000 birds.


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