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What A Treat!

With Halloween looming and many tricks to be had, today's weather was nothing but a sweet treat...a full sized snickers bar if you personal favorite!  The high in Boston climbed to a near record of 78 degrees just after 1PM this afternoon, the record still stands at 81 set back in 1927 and 1919.  My wife and I took the kids for a nature walk on the Snake Brook Trail around Lake Coch in Natick...just beautiful.  We had a ton of leaf droppage today and one of our weather observers, Dick from Natick, described the bombardment as "leaf squalls"...perfect!

Well, from here on out the atmosphere is in chill down mode as 850mb temps cool to around -2 celsius over the next couple of days which will only support surface temps in the 50s.  The air will be dry but quite unstable tomorrow so after a sunny start it will appear as if Mother Nature flipped on the cloud switch and from mid-morning on clouds will dominate.  The clouds may have a little depth to them to support a weak rainshaft leading to a brief sprinkle but mostly they'll cut out the sun making those 50s feel like 40s!

The cold pool of air, or shortwave, creating the unstable environment for cloud development tomorrow afternoon will cruise through by late in the day and clearing will commence for the start of the weekend. 

A coldfrontal passage is expected early Sunday morning with very little if any precip but most importantly it will usher in a reinforcing shot of cold for Halloween evening...bundle up your little guys because temps will likely be in the 40s by early in the evening...the skeltons will be shivering!

By: Todd Gutner, WBZ-TV

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