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What A Stretch!

Yes, it was a stormy Sunday.  However, we are in the midst of a dry, tranquil stretch of weather that's as long as the Boston Marathon on an April Day! :)  Sunshine, sunshine, and yes, more sunshine! 

It's chilly this morning so be cognizant of some slick spots on the roadways in the interior due to daytime snowmelt.  Otherwise, a sunny start will end with a cloudier finish as high and mid level clouds press their way eastward.  Highs will be between 55-60F.   A weak, moisture-starved cold front will be the culprit of cloudy intervals tonight.  Once it presses offshore, we will have cooler high temps on Friday as the mercury hangs near the 50F degree mark. Also, winds will be breezy from the northwest.

First Weekend of November:  A strong surface high and strong ridging aloft will provide us with a lovely weekend.  Saturday will be sunny with chilly high temps in the upper 40s.  It's a 'blocking' pattern.  Then, Sunday will be sunny and warmer with highs in the upper 50s to near 60F. For that reason, I chose Sunday as the 'Pick Day' of the weekend.  It's so nice when the GFSx and the EURO are in agreement. If only, they could agree more often and sooner when we are forecasting a major storm! ;)

***DST Ends 2am this Sunday...Don't forget to turn your clocks BACK one hour. We add an hour of sleep! :)  ***Quick tidbit:  In the Fall, clocks 'FALL' back. In the Spring, clocks 'SPRING' ahead.

Melissa :)

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