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'So much joy here,' Westford gym provides safe sensory experiences for kids

'So much joy here,' Westford gym provides safe sensory experiences for kids
'So much joy here,' Westford gym provides safe sensory experiences for kids 02:40

WESTFORD - A gym in Westford is making sure all kids have a place to use their energy and their senses.

Samantha O'Brien applied her background in occupational therapy to open "We Rock the Spectrum."

Their motto is "Finally a place where you never have to say I'm sorry."

"Like here, we understand that children are busy. They bump into things, they knock things down. Sometimes they have meltdowns, sometimes the words that they choose aren't polite and that's okay," O'Brien told WBZ-TV.

"There's so much joy here. That's just so infectious. You just can't not be happy when you're here," said general manager Kristen Deibele.

At We Rock the Spectrum they focus on having kids play with a purpose of exercising all their senses.

"So not just your sight, smell, taste, sound, touch but also those body senses which are proprioception and vestibular, which lets your brain know that your body is moving," O'Brien said.

This is also a place for kids that have neuro and physical diversities. The common language is fun.

"We want all children to come in here and we are different because we make sure that our neurodivergent and special needs children also are successful in the same place," O'Brien told WBZ.

Kids love to play so a gym is always the perfect place but for some of the parents, who's kiddos have neuro and physical diversities, We Rock the Spectrum is gold.

"It's not just great that the kids can play here, but it's also great that the parents can feel relaxed and comfortable and know that their kids are welcomed here and their kids are understood here," said Deibele.

"That has overwhelmingly been the most rewarding part of this. To hear from parents that they are amazed at how long their children can play, how successful they can be over time," O'Brien said.

We Rock the Spectrum also works with a non-profit called "My Brother Rocks the Spectrum Foundation." They provide an inclusive environment in all communities and ensure all children can attend classes and all the social skills programs.

For more information, visit the We Rock the Spectrum website.

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