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Wes Welker Wants To Play

FOXBORO (CBS) -- This whole play 'em or sit 'em thought really boils down to Wes Welker. In last year's season finale, Wes blew up his knee, in Houston on a non-contact play. Fans are using that as the reason that the Pats should not play their starters. The players know they have no choice, they are going to play and Wes is ready for it.

"I say I'm here to play football. That's what I get paid to do. I love playing it. No matter what's at stake, I want to play it," Welker said. "I know people probably think differently about that. But I don't worry about all that stuff, and whatever Coach Belichick decides for me, that's what I'm going to do, but I'm always ready to play."

Welker went on to say he's not sure what the coaches decision will be but he's planning on getting out there and beating Miami.

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