Wednesday's Child: 4-Year-Old Dominic
Dominic is a sweet and sociable 4-year-old Caucasian boy who loves to laugh, smile and run as fast as he can. Dominic also enjoys playing with his toys and spending time with his foster family. He is diagnosed on the Autism spectrum and has global developmental delays. Because of Dominic's small size and his developmental delays, he presents in many ways as a much younger child. He continues to make steady progress and is working hard to overcome his challenges and increasing his ability to communicate. At his daycare Dominic's teacher reports that he has made connections with some of his classmates and even says he is like "brothers" with one of the other children.
Dominic would do best in a home where there are two parents with or without other children. The family should have an understanding of Autism and global delays as well as be able to celebrate all of Dominic's daily successes. Dominic is legally freed for adoption.
For more information you can contact MARE: 617-54-ADOPT (617-542-3678) or visit
Since its inception in 1981, Wednesday's Child has been a collaboration of the Massachusetts Adoption Resource Exchange (MARE), the Department of Children & Families and WBZ-TV/CBS Boston. Hosted by Jack Williams for the last 34 years, this weekly series has given a face and voice to the children who wait the longest for families. Wednesday's Child has helped find homes for hundreds of waiting children and continues to raise awareness about adoption from foster care.