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Wednesday's Child: 14-Year-Old Tyrese

BOSTON (CBS) - Tyrese is a charming 14-year-old boy of African American and Cape Verdean descent who is a good conversationalist and also has a good sense of humor. He is a kind, affectionate young boy who loves animals.

Music is a passion for Tyrese, and he loves to sing and dance. Tyrese has an amazing ability to memorize songs he has heard only a few times. Enjoying the outdoors and sports, especially basketball, are also among Tyrese's favorite activities.

Tyrese is eagerly awaiting a permanent, loving family that might share in some of his interests.

Tyrese functions at a lower level and can be unpredictable at times. He does well with therapy. He also has a visiting resource that should remain a part of his life, as it has been very positive for him. Tyrese requires a great deal of attention and patience and would benefit from an experienced single or two-parent family. He is legally freed for adoption.

To learn more about Tyrese, and about adoption from foster care, call the Massachusetts Adoption Resource Exchange (MARE) at 617-54-ADOPT (617-542-3678) or visit

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