Keller @ Large With Toucher & Rich: 'No One Has A Clue' Who Will Win Election
BOSTON (CBS) - After months of campaigning, debates, and of course, political ads, Election Day is finally upon us.
With close races for President and the U.S. Senate in Massachusetts, WBZ-TV and WBZ NewsRadio 1030 political analyst Jon Keller joined 98.5 The Sports Hub's Toucher & Rich Tuesday morning to make sense of it all.
"If anyone tells you they know what's going to happen, you better check your wallet, because no one has a clue," Keller said.
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"Everybody has been talking about it could be a late night and we might not know until tomorrow morning," he said of the Presidential race, which could get a little interesting should President Obama and Mitt Romney end up with the same amount of electoral votes.
"You could wind up with a Romney-Biden White House under one scenario. That would be kind of fun, wouldn't it?"
Read: Keller @ Large
"If there is a tie in the Electoral College, which could happen, then the House of Representatives – voting by state delegation – they choose the president and the Senate chooses the vice president," explained Keller.
"It's never happened, but in theory, you could have Romney-Biden. I think separate bedrooms could be in order."
While the race is close, Keller says if you see either Obama or Romney starting to sweep the swing states early on, we might not be in for such a long night.
"The earliest state that is important is Indiana, where Romney will almost surely win although Obama won four years ago. But Romney needs to win it big; if he only wins by single digits there that's a bad sign for him," said Keller.
"Then 7 p.m., Florida - except for the panhandle – the polls close. Virginia is a big swing state. Then at 7:30 p.m. Ohio and North Carolina close. You have to give some time for the votes to be counted, but by 9 p.m. if Obama or Romney win those swing states, turn out the lights. You're safe to switch over to the Ball State-Toledo game."
Things are just as close locally, with Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren battling it out in the Massachusetts Senate race.
"Apparently, most of the polls have (Warren) with a little bit of an edge, but (Brown's) definitely got a shot at it. It's too close to call," said Keller.
"It's been a crazy race. (Warren) should win, because the Democratic machine in this state is absolutely bull that Brown came in and took the "people's seat," the so-called Kennedy seat, and they've been drooling at the chance to get even."
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"They're cranked up, but the same reasons why Brown was able to win a couple of years ago still exist. Organized labor rank and file still like him over her. He won the majority of their votes two years ago," explained Keller.
"It's crazy; it's sort of a city versus suburban race, townie versus gown; there are all sorts of good subplots there."
Keller does think Massachusetts voters will approve Question 3 - the medical marijuana initiative.
"I think that's going to pass big time. The winter is long here, and there are a lot of different kinds of beers available but once you've tried everything once... I'll let you guys fill in the blanks," joked Keller.
Listen to the entire interview here: