WBZ Listener Profile: Ever Wonder Who Else Listens To Jay Talking On WBZ NewsRadio 1030?
I like to know the details of my listeners' lives, and I like them to know about me. That is one reason I do the Jay Talking video series. It is rewarding to get out and talk to listeners face to face, and the videos are pretty darned entertaining. But the montage style of video does not let me really give you a detailed sense of an individual WBZ listener's profile, personality, and politics.
Therefore I am introducing the Jay Talking Listener Profile. Every so often I will focus on an individual listener to provide another thread with which I can enrich the tapestry that is Jay Talking.
This week you will meet Wayne from Dover, New Hampshire. I met him via the Jay Talking radio show and we decided to take a hike up Mt. Chocorua in New Hampshire to discuss current events. Wayne is a career military man, an Iron Man Triathlete, and a very smart guy. Oh, and he is in way better shape than I am.
Click play to meet Wayne and join us on the tip-most top of one of New England's most impressive peaks.