Waltham Police Help 100-Year-Old Man After Thief Steals Lottery Ticket
WALTHAM (CBS) - At 100 years young, Larry Steinfeld has a lifetime of stories including fighting in World War II, great-grandkids and a 65 year long marriage.
He wasn't sure why his latest tale brought a reporter to his door.
"How did I reach this," Steinfeld said.
When Larry came back from the Saturday donut and coffee time downstairs in his Waltham apartment building someone was walking out his door.
A man stole Larry's scratch ticket worth $100.
Waltham Police Officer Tom Bryant responded. "I felt an affection toward him for what he has done for this country and who he really is," said Officer Bryant.
Officer Bryant went around to convenience stores finally tracking down the ticket and surveillance video. He arrested Leslie Torres, 33, who lives in Larry's building and is suspected of stealing from other residents.
"They thanked me like I was a hero. I didn't do anything. I just remembered my scratch ticket," said Steinfeld.
"With a great sadness, I had to tell him I was not able to get his money back," said Officer Bryant.
He put an envelope out in the P.D. to collect the money.
"I thought we could bring all of us together and help him out," said Officer Bryant.
Larry doesn't know about the collection, or how much he touched Officer Byrant and as a result impacted so many people. If his plan holds true with his 101st birthday he is still just getting started.
"I'll start over again. I'll be one then two then three," said Larry.
Officer Bryant does not know yet how much money has been donated. It will still be a surprise to Larry who went to bed after the interview.