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No Bail For Waltham Police Chief Charged With Attacking Wife

WALTHAM (CBS) – The police chief in Waltham was ordered held without bail Friday afternoon, a day after he was arrested for allegedly attacking his wife.

WBZ NewsRadio 1030's Carl Stevens reports


Thomas LaCroix, 49, was arrested at his home in Maynard Thursday for assault and battery with a dangerous weapon and intimidating a witness.

He was arraigned Friday afternoon at Emerson Hospital, where he was admitted with chest pains, hours after he was arrested.

The chief was ordered held without bail pending a dangerousness hearing on Tuesday. He is on leave, and has surrendered his gun and badge.

Assistant District Attorney Suzanne Kontz said LaCroix attacked his wife Thursday.  She was injured and went to a female friend's house.  But that was not the end of it.

"He subsequently went back to the home later on that night and there was another altercation against both her and the friend, which ultimately resulted in getting reported to the police, which ultimately resulted in his arrest," Kontz said.

Maynard police told WBZ-TV he hit someone with a bicycle rack and a counter top.

There were questions about his mental state during and after the incident. But, LaCroix's attorney Peter Bella steadfastly denied that the chief was suicidal.

"It's a very sad situation all around," Mayor Jeannette McCarthy told WBZ.

She named Deputy Chief Keith MacPherson acting police chief.

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