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Waltham Boy Saves Friend's Life

WALTHAM (CBS) -- A classmate's quick-thinking saved a sixth grader's life in Waltham. A boy was chewing on a pen cap in math class when he started choking on it.

"I couldn't talk. I couldn't breathe or anything," 11-year-old Steven Giardina told WBZ. "I was shaking I was so scared. I was like ahhhh."

Giardina's face turned red and he stood up, holding his throat.

David Cummings knew something was wrong. "There was no time to talk because if I was to tell him, 'I am going to do the Heimlich, Steven, so just settle down' he probably would've been dead."

WBZ-TV's Paul Burton reports.

He said he stepped behind his friend, felt for Giardina's rib cage and applied pressure.

"I gagged it out and threw it away as soon as possible," said Giardina.

Both boys said they learned about the Heimlich maneuver in health class.

Cummings' father, Bill, is proud of his son. "He took decisive action that made a difference in saving someone's life."

The younger Cummings said he didn't know how heroic he had been until he got to drama class.

"Everyone saying 'David's a hero' and I am like what did I do?"

In addition to a big hug, Giardina gave his friend a card and gift card.

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