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Vuvuzelas Banned At Harvard-Yale Game

CAMBRIDGE (AP) - Vuvuzelas, the plastic horns famous during the 2010 soccer World Cup for their drowning buzz, are being banned for this weekend's 127th football game between Harvard and Yale. But they are causing a buzz anyway.

Harvard Associate Athletics Director Timothy Wheaton said in a statement this week that noisemakers won't be allowed inside Harvard Stadium for the Saturday game in the interests of sportsmanship.

The move comes after Harvard's Undergraduate Council passed a motion recommending the ban.

That was bad news for 19-year-old Yale freshman Jonathan Desnick. He bought 700 blue vuvuzelas with a big "Y" to bring up to the game. Desnick says he plans to sell them anyway at the tailgate.

Twenty-two-year-old Harvard senior Collin Galster says he understands the need for the ban but sees it as another form of "social control."

(© Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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