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UMass Dartmouth Honors Victims Of Bombings During Commencement

DARTMOUTH (CBS) -- University of Massachusetts Dartmouth held graduation ceremonies Sunday for its graduating seniors and special emphasis was placed on the victims of the marathon bombings.

Graduates broke into patriotic cheers following a moment of silence for the victims of the Boston Marathon bombings.

Chancellor Divina Grossman said after the campus found out alleged bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was a student there, they showed they are "UMass Dartmouth strong."

WBZ NewsRadio 1030's Kim Tunnicliffe reports

UMass Dartmouth Honors Victims Of Bombings At Commencement

"UMass Dartmouth strong is our student leadership that organized two inspiring vigil services following the tragedy and also had the thoughtfulness to organize social events that welcomed students back to campus and got people focused on teaching and learning," Grossman said.

When the FBI confirmed they were searching for UMass student Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the school evacuated the campus.

Amber Eusebio told her fellow graduates that the bombing and the investigation that followed became a bonding experience for the Class of 2013. "I've never been prouder of my school," she said. "At that time, we weren't just individual students, we became one student body."

Security was tight for Sunday's commencement ceremony, with more than 100 officers on campus from at least a dozen law enforcement agencies and private security companies.

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