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'Stop Killing Us': Ukrainians Protest War On One-Month Anniversary Of Russian Invasion

BOSTON (CBS) - A vocal march near the State House answered the call from Ukraine's President to speak out on this one month anniversary of Russia's invasion. "Together we can be loud and scream from the top of our lungs, stop killing us," said Nika Chelnokova with Boston Supports Ukraine.

In the crowd was Olena Bokhinik with an uncle, aunt and cousins in Lviv in western Ukraine. "I worry a lot, I call every morning hoping to hear they are still alive and doing fine," said Bokhinik.

She says they are standing their ground refusing to leave their home, but believes no place is safe. "You never know when another bomb will come and what is going to happen the next second," Bokhinik said.

Artem Laptiev hopes these rallies can educate and call attention to the plight of Ukrainians including his grandparents who are trapped in a small Ukrainian village, his grandmother ever watchful. "She watches the sky, the sky turns red right before strikes. They're sitting there daily watching skies and ready to go to the basement," said Laptiev.

These Ukrainians hope they'll have a home to go back to, but the uncertainty of the war now haunts them every day. "Just don't know if it can be safe even in some secluded areas. Don't know what will happen or weapons they can use," said Chelnokova.

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