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Engineer's Quick Thinking Saves Man Sleeping On Tracks

STOUGHTON (CBS) -- MBTA Engineer Chris Holm saw something laying across the railroad tracks in Stoughton Thursday night.

At first, he thought it was a blanket or a pile of clothing, but he quickly realized it was a man sleeping on the tracks.

Holm was able to stop the train 150 feet from the man, who appeared to be drunk. "Not too much Christmas cheer, maybe. The rescue people came down and picked him up and got him out of there. It took three people to get him out of there. He was not himself."


WBZ News Radio's Kim Tunnicliffe reports.

Holm does not consider himself a hero. "Everybody else would have done the same thing I did. I'm nothing special. Every crew out here, we'd do the exact same thing."

Holm said it was probably best the man was found on the tracks and he didn't fall asleep in the woods, considering the frigid temperatures. "Just a lucky guy. I'm glad he got his Christmas present early."

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