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Toucher & Rich: Moss Was At It Again On USTREAM

While the guys were on the air they learned that Randy Moss was back on USTREAM talking to fans and answering questions.

On Monday Moss took to USTREAM to announce that he's planning to return to football after retiring after the 2010 season.

Read: Randy Moss: 'I Don't Know If I'm Coming Back To The Patriots … I Just Want To Play'

T&R listened live as Randy talked about some of the best players in the league and some favorite plays that he remembers.

Rich was typing things to Randy trying to get him to say a few funny things. They tried to get him to say "the sports chicken goes cluck cluck and you're eating a pizza." Did he say it?

Read: Moss Makes No Sense For Patriots' 2012 Plans

Lots of T&R listeners jumped in and told him that he was on THE Sports Hub live and he gave the guys a shout out.


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