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Toucher & Rich: Jaffe On The NHL Trade Deadline

The NHL's trade deadline arrives today at 3pm and everyone is wondering if the Bruins will make any sort of move.

Hockey analyst Billy Jaffe spoke with Toucher & Rich about what he thinks the Bruins could do before the deadline.

Nathan Horton is still out with a concussion and Rich Peverley will miss anywhere from four to six week due to an MCL sprain in his right knee. Is Jaffe hearing any rumors of moves the B's might make before the 3pm deadline?

"It is dead quiet. Now maybe it's the calm before the storm, but right now it's quiet everywhere. Earlier this morning some people talking about Sammy Pahlsson to the Boston Bruins, going there as sort of a depth centerman a third line guy. I could maybe see that happening I just think there's more likelihood of a right handed shot, think a guy like David Jones out of Colorado."

What if no major moves are made today to help improve the Bruins? Will this team be in bad shape and should we be worried?

"I don't think they're in bad shape. I think they're in different shape than what everybody had hoped they would be in. Anytime you have uncertainty over anything in any facet of your life, in this case a hockey team, and you don't like that. The biggest uncertainty is Nathan Horton, there's no doubt about that."

One thought some have had was to deal one of Boston's goalies to get better now. Does Jaffe agree or does he think you keep Tim Thomas and Tuukka Rask no matter what?

"Unless somebody absolutely makes you a fantastic offer, yeah I'd keep both goalies."

Keep up to date all day with our NHL Trade Deadline Live Blog.


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