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Toucher & Rich: Dan Roche On The Events In Vancouver

Dan Roche of WBZ-TV is in Vancouver and called to talk with Toucher & Rich about what happened in the city of Vancouver after the game and talking with the Claude Julien after the win.

The guys asked Rochie what it was like walking through the streets to get back to his hotel after the game.

"Literally about a block and a half away they were throwing things through the windows of Sears and into other different stores. They were lined up 5 to 10 deep police officers in riot gear trying to push the crowd to a certain direction. Bunch of idiots here," Roche said of the antics by angry Vancouver fans.

They also talked about the Canucks giving up in the 3rd period. Has Roche ever seen a team give up that bad before?

The guys also discussed the on ice celebration and a conversation that Roche had with Julien earlier during the playoffs about winning the Cup.

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