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Tim Murray: Deval Patrick Brings Something 'Unique' To 2020 Presidential Race

WORCESTER (CBS) - Former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick will be flying across the country this weekend – his first on the presidential campaign trail. He'll speak in California Saturday and in Nevada Sunday.

Before he launched his campaign, he spoke with Tim Murray, his former lieutenant governor. WBZ's Paula Ebben spoke with Murray in Worcester Friday. He says Patrick is someone who has never been afraid to lose.

They won't be running mates this time, Murray laughed, and said "I don't bring geographic diversity!"

But perhaps no one in politics knows Deval Patrick better than his former lieutenant governor who got the call Thursday morning.

Deval Patrick Tim Murray
Deval Patrick and Tim Murray (WBZ-TV)

"When he called," Murray said, "You know certainly there had been rumors and speculation, but I told him that I was proud of him and I think that he's got a lot to offer."

Does he think his late entrance in the race casts doubt on the other Democrats in the field?

"No I think he's running because he believes that he has a vision that is important to him and will resonate with the public. It's a qualified field, there is a lot of depth there but he's bringing something that's unique, a two-term governor, someone who's worked in the private and public sector worked in the non-profit world in a variety of different ways. A lot of elected officials or pundits or advisors would say 'you've got to have the money you've got to have the organization' - he does it completely the other way around."

Tim Murray
Tim Murray (WBZ-TV)

Toward the end of his time with the Patrick administration, Murray went through a difficult personal time after a car accident that led to a lot of conjecture. How did Patrick treat him during that time?

"Well, you know, he had my back and supported me and my family," Murray said. "You know he's a friend and you know you remember all those things and you know he's a special guy to me not just as a leader but as a friend."

What accomplishments from the Patrick administration should he run on as he campaigns for President?

"Massachusetts has gateway cities which could be compared to rust belt cities in the Midwest. We're a much more rural state than sometimes people in Boston and Cambridge might think. He governed the whole state and when you think we led Massachusetts was one of the first states that came out of the recession, because of smart strategic investments in infrastructure, in education, in innovation and so I think that record is one that I think will resonate."

Murray, who is President and CEO of the Greater Worcester Chamber of Commerce, says he plans to volunteer for the Patrick campaign in New Hampshire.

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