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Plum Island Homes In Jeopardy After Storm

NEWBURY (CBS) - Plum Island homes are in jeopardy of being destroyed by high tides after this week's winter storm. Four homes are in danger, with at least two considered uninhabitable.

Residents say they've never seen beach erosion like this. Mark Greenberg thinks he lost up to 20 feet of beach this week. "The ocean water is basically 20 feet from the base of the deck. Another 20 feet we lose the deck another 20 feet after that, we lose the house," Greenberg said.

WBZ NewsRadio 1030's Lana Jones reports


Thursday Storm
Flooding on Plum Island. (Photo credit: Tyler Sorkin)

The four homes in the greatest danger are located on Annapolis Way. Steve Cook is renting one of them. He says watching the waves batter the coast during high tide Thursday morning was indescribable. He shot cell phone video as the waves washed away the cinder block foundation at his next door neighbor's home.

Residents held their breath as their homes survived the late high tide Thursday night. They met twice to find an emergency solution.

"The tides aren't going to stop and these homes are going to be in jeopardy for each of the successive high tides," said Senator Bruce Tarr.

Tarr will help residents apply to the state for emergency permits to install massive sand bags on the beach. Tarr was optimistic the permits could be obtained Friday and construction could begin immediately, offering some relief to worried homeowners.

It is a solution that will cost residents tens of thousands of dollars.

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