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The Parent Report

Even as more of us buy new, lighter flat-screen TV's, the number of young kids that are hurt by toppling TV's continues to rise.


Studies suggest even as more consumers replace their clunky old TV's with lighter flat-screens, the number of children injured or even killed by falling TV sets continues to rise. The reason for this isn't clear, but it could be because those old heavy sets are relegated to rickety furniture in other rooms of the house.

Kathleen Reilly is with the Consumer Product Safety Commission and says that can spell disaster for young kids...

The Center for Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Ohio reviewed data from 100 emergency rooms, and estimated more than 14,000 furniture-related injuries occurred each year between 1990 and 2007, with almost half of those due to TV sets. About 300 of those injuries resulted in deaths.

Of the deaths studied by the Ohio-group, 93% were due to dressers and TV's falling onto children, with almost all of the victims under three years old.

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