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The D.A. Show: Jon Morosi On Pitching Options For The Sox

The Red Sox are finding it difficult to keep their pitchers healthy as Jon Lester became the most recent starter to hit the DL.

Jon Morosi of Fox Sports spoke with D.A. about the pitching situation for the Sox, as well as Derek Jeter looking for his 3,000th hit.

Jeter is now only 3 hits away from the milestone and there were talks of sitting him if he came close on the road so he could achieve the milestone in New York. What did Morosi think of those reports?

The guys moved on to discuss what's going on with the Red Sox. How worried should fans be with Clay Buchholz still missing and now with the addition of Jon Lester to the DL?

"I sort of think it's become a concern. Ken Rosenthal and I wrote earlier this week that they really hadn't been out there too much in terms of really trying to acquire any pitchers at this time, but certainly that was before Lester got hurt. And again it doesn't look like Lester's injury is catastrophic from a standpoint of he's going to miss a real huge chunk of time, but it looks like it could be up to a month depending on how things go," Morosi said of the current pitching situation.

Who are some of the names that could move at the trade deadline from a pitching standpoint?

"There's not really a lot of them.It's a pretty thin group. I think Hiroki Kuroda's name has been out there already, the Astros have Wandy Rodriguez and Brett Myers, I could see Jeff Francis moving there with Kansas City. I guess unfortunately for the Sox two of the bigger names that could ultimately move are within their division, Jeremy Guthrie of Baltimore, and maybe, I preface this a maybe with a capital M, James Shields," said Morosi.

They also talked about John Lackey. Right now with the absence of Lester and Buchholz the Sox need Lackey's arm in the rotation. But if there's an opportunity where they don't need his arm what can the Sox do with him?

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