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The Curious Case of Benjamin Brady

Last week, Patriots fans and the sports world finally got an answer to the most dogged question of the 2009 season.
No, not whether Randy Moss has been mentally cashing it in the past month.
But the name of Tom and Gisele's baby boy: Benjamin.
Tom showed up for 8a meetings on the day of New England's first snow storm, after spending the night watching Gis give birth.
Presumably, she was thrilled when he dashed out of the hospital to break down film of the Panthers Cover-2 before naming young Brady.
Thus, last week America's National Nightmare came to a close with Lil' Bennie being stamped on his birth certificate.
And while we have a few years before he becomes the MVP of Super Bowl 70 or the world's greatest H&M model, it is important to remember just how lucky this kid is.
I mean, Benjamin Brady is the winner of this century's gene pool lottery.
So, you're dad is one of the greatest quarterbacks of his generation and your mom is the world's most glamorous super model?
I'm pretty sure your first car, college tuition, 50-yard-line seats to the Super Bowl (which your dad might be playing in), gas money, and the private jet you've always wanted for prom will be covered.
You will also have 0.000008% chance of not turning out gorgeous and named People's "Sexiest Man of the Year 2034."
So forget worrying about drafting Tom's replacement sometime in the foreseeable future.
The Patriots have their man 20 years from now. Start printing the #12 "B. Brady" jerseys.
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