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Taste of Autumn...

What a day, with a high of 73 degrees and very low humidity, today felt more like an early Autumn day rather than a late Summer one.  If you thought this morning was chilly just wait for tomorrow morning when some towns across the countryside dip into the upper 40s, so make sure you close up the windows before going to bed!  But, this early taste of Autumn will be short-lived as heat rebuilds for the second half of the week.

Temps will rise rapidly tomorrow morning, ending up in the 80s by afternoon with a solid SW wind and a cloudless sky.  The heat will continue to build on Friday out ahead of a surface coldfront.  We are looking at highs of 90-95, making Friday the 12th time we've seen 90 this year...the difference this time around is that the muggy air won't accompany it will be a little more tolerable.  A coldfront will sag down from the north Friday evening and may provide enough lift to squeeze out a thunderstorm or two but with the dry air in place a widespread thunderstorm outbreak should be avoided.

The front will slide offshore to our south Friday night and drier, very pleasant air will replace the heat for the entire holiday weekend.  Sunshine will be ample both Saturday and Sunday with highs near 80 inland and 70s at the coast.  On Monday, moisture from a decaying Isaac will begin to finally approach the Northeast.  Clouds will begin to spread in on Labor Day but the rain should hold off.  Remnants should reach us by the middle of the week and could provide some soaking rain Tuesday into Wednesday.

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