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Syringes Found On Swampscott Beach

SWAMPSCOTT (CBS) – A beach in Swampscott has seen much better days and now residents say they've had enough.

WBZ NewsRadio 1030's Carl Stevens reports:


Trash on King's Beach is not uncommon.

Vicki Fuchs often walks there and finds rubbish everyday.

But, a dozen syringes washed up on the sand recently.

"We have found many, many, many of these syringes like we've seen this past week. But on a typical day water bottles, Dunkin Donuts cups, bathing suits, all kinds of articles of clothing," Fuchs told WBZ NewsRadio 1030.

Fuchs believes a lot of the trash is coming from cruise ships dumping waste into the ocean.

"If it's the cruise ships that are dumping, and it just totally blew me away that they still are allowed to dump in the ocean 9 miles out. I think that's got to stop, absolutely got to stop," said Fuchs.

She wishes someone would take charge and the two communities involved with this beach, Lynn and Swampscott, would do a better job of cleaning up and taking care of it.

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